John A. Logan College holds first lifeguard competition

By DEANA SMITH, Logan Media Services

CARTERVILLE – The John A. Logan College aquatic center lifeguard team participated in the first Logan Lifeguard competition Saturday, Dec. 1. The five-event competition was designed to refine lifeguard skills throughout the fall semester, foster teamwork, and provide a fun outlet for the guards.

The first half of the fall semester was devoted to skills practice through formal in-service training provided by Aquatics Coordinator Chris Georgantas. During the second half of the semester, teams were randomly drawn by three team captains and lifeguard competition criteria was announced and posted.

One month was provided to allow all guard teams to prepare for battle. Several guard-directed practice sessions took place with as many as four guards at a time getting together to ready themselves for competition day. A high level of cross-team cooperation was notable during this preparation period.

Aquatic Center faculty Curt Caldwell and Tricia Ely assisted with judging and result tabulation. The Chlorine Machine, a team consisting of Chris Georgantas, Josh Lannom, Miki Ness, and Derrick Snider, came out on top with 19 points. The Lochness Monsters with Mike Giovanni, Kinsley Rausch, Bailey Cook, and Alex Taylor were the runners up with 16 points. The PiranhaCondas with Sophie Hooker, Zack Essex, Collin Murrie, and Tomi Hamlin placed third with 13 points.

The first Logan Lifeguard competition was a great success, providing the groundwork for even better Logan competitions in coming semesters.

“The training and competition plan really encouraged lifeguard training, and brought the team together in new ways.” Georgantas said.

Georgantas plans to use the competition format every fall and spring and hopes for a Southern Illinois regional competition in the near future.

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