Muir’s Morning Motivational Minute

‘Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. Let the challenge make you stronger!

I am a believer in the law of attraction, the theory that a person attracts into their life what they focus their attention toward — positive, negative, good, bad, happy or sad, etc. I try to apply this with a daily (sometimes minute-by-minute) prayer to God to help me focus on the positive in each day. While there might be naysayers to this approach, I base my thoughts on positive things I’ve witnessed in my own life.

The key words in today’s quote are: ‘even if some days you have to look a little harder.’ Because, let’s face it, some days you do have to look not just a little harder, but a lot harder. While I recognize the many blessings in my life, I also give positive thanks daily for the ability to do difficult tasks and manage a crazy life schedule, for strength, stamina, endurance and some days for the sweat dripping off the end of my nose. And just as the quote says, the experience has made me stronger. However, the greatest asset is that I believe it has drawn me closer to God and strengthened my faith. Plus, one little added bonus for an old guy who still has a little mischief left in him  … I know a positive attitude is annoying to all the ‘Chicken Littles’ I encounter who are looking for a black cloud and a reason to scream that the sky if falling.

God’s blessings to you as you look for something positive in this day! Have a super Saturday and a blessed day!

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