FCA Daily Devotion – Trust

John 14:1

Whom do you trust when you’re being overcome by anxiety?  Who is trustworthy when your life is in distress?  How can you trust anyone when you’re full of doubt?  Today’s scripture gives us some insight and direction.

fca logoIn John chapter 14 and verse 1 we read these words from Jesus, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God; trust also in me.”  In the middle of the most trying time of their lives, Jesus asked his followers to trust him just like they trusted God.  He said that trust would calm their troubled hearts.

That same principle can work on your team.  We trust people who have proven themselves in the past.  As people show themselves trustworthy, we will take risks with and for them.  Their trustworthiness calms our hearts and gives us confidence.

Jesus said, “Trust in God, trust also in me.”  I am saying, “Trust in God, trust also in your coaches.  Trust in God, trust also in your teammates.”  They’ve proven themselves to be trustworthy, so take some risks with them.  Give yourselves to them in total abandon.  I promise that as you trust yourselves to those who are trustworthy, you’ll find that your confidence will grow and your once troubled hearts will experience new peace.

Let today’s competition be filled with trust, confidence and peace.

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