FCA Daily Devotion – Hope

Romans 5:3-5

How does one maintain a good attitude in the midst of difficult times?  How does one’s character affect these situations?  The character of a person, the true nature of his or her heart, is a continual source of either hope or despair.

The Apostle Paul continues his letter to his friends in Rome with these words in Romans 5 and verses 3 through 5, “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.

Hope is a confident expectation of good, based on the promises of God.  That comes from a changed character that was born of persevering through suffering.  Character has taught you to be confident and to have proper expectations.  Paul says that character produces hope and that hope doesn’t disappoint because He has put an every day reminder of His love in our hearts.  The Spirit of God is alive in us to remind us of His love and promises.  That’s what real hope looks like.

Let hope spring from your character today and prepare you for a great day of competition.

Bible Reading Plan:
John 10:22-42
I John 2:24-29
Job 12
Ezekiel 33-34

(Roger Lipe is an acclaimed author/writer and also serves as the executive director of the southern Illinois chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and chaplain for SIU Football. Follow Roger at www.sifca.org and http://sportchaplainsportmentor.blogspot.com/.)

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